We should have been landing in South Bend, Indiana this week, but COVID has forced us all to stay home this year. For the first time ever, Nationals has been canceled. We definitely get it, but we can still be sad.
I have loved seeing all the photos and videos of twirlers from years past. I reached out to Sabrina Smith, the current College Miss Majorette of America, to talk about her feelings about Nationals this year.

We talked about her college experience, her hopes for the future of twirling, and of course, advice for twirlers.

Sabrina currently teaches online, and she donates a lot of her proceeds to the Children's Miracle Network. If you ever need to brighten your day, reach out to her to see what her availability is for online lessons!

It's crazy to think at the time of this picture, we had NO idea that we would be dealing with a virus that would ultimately cancel the majority of the 2020 competitions. The current Miss Majorettes of America send their best wishes and hope we will all see each other again soon!

All in all, take this time to be innovative, keep twirling and posting online, and let us know what you have been doing during this nationals week! We would love to hear from you!
