If you have been to a major competition, most likely you have seen shirts like this:

Meet Shaylie, the woman mastermind behind the twirling apparel store, "Only Twirlers," based out of California.
Baton Twirling Podcast: Thank you so much for coming on with us! Tell me a little bit about your business and what you do for the baton twirling world.
Only Twirlers: My name is Shaylie Fawcett. I am originally from Southern California, currently living in Provo, Utah. I am the owner and creator of Only Twirlers.
You can find us at OnlyTwirlers.com and Only Twirlers on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Two years ago when I was at AYOP for NBTA Nationals, there’s the tradition of going shopping before competition starts. My sister, mom, and I are walking around all the stores. I’m like, “Man, everything has looked the same since I was six years old.” There’s nothing fresh. There’s nothing new that speaks to the modern twirler today that’s an athlete or performer.
I decided the next year I would come to AYOP with my own line of modern twirling clothes.

Baton Twirling Podcast: Where can we find you at AYOP in July?
Only Twirlers: The last couple years I’ve been at Staybridge Suites. I share a room with Gorgeous Twirling Costumes.
Baton Twirling Podcast: How did you first get started in baton twirling?
Only Twirlers: I was born into a Baton Twirling family. My grandma, Debbie Salem, is a coach. My mom was Miss Majorette of America and a world champion. I was born with a baton in my hand.

Baton Twirling Podcast: Where did you twirl in college? What was your most favorite experience twirling in college? Did you twirl with the band?
Only Twirlers: I graduated from Brigham young University.
I didn’t get to twirl with the band. Our band director was not a huge fan of baton twirlers. I made my own position twirling for basketball, volleyball, and gymnastics - different campus events.

Baton Twirling Podcast: How would you encourage twirlers who are either in high school or college to approach those types of organizations?
Only Twirlers: I think being able to talk about and explain baton twirling and what you do as an athlete - it’s super important when approaching those entities that don’t know a lot about twirling.
You need to be prepared to best not represent only yourself, but baton twirling so when they do give you that chance to audition, you’re prepared for those situations.
Videos are always a great thing. Don’t make it too long, don’t make it too short. Show those flashy things so people can get a sense of what you’re trying to do.

Baton Twirling Podcast: What’s your proudest moment of baton twirling?
Only Twirlers: Personally, one of my favorite memories was going to Peru as a U.S. Twirling Ambassador. On a personal note, I love watching my sister twirl. She is in 13 to 15, and it’s amazing to see her grow as a twirler.
Baton Twirling Podcast: If you had advice for twirlers, or anyone listening to this podcast, for starting their own business, what advice would you give them?
Only Twirlers: It is so fun. If you’re not having fun with your own business, then something is wrong. Finding something you’re passionate about is a huge part of it. I was able to combine something I was passionate about with something I had knowledge about. Find that need in the market. I saw there was a need for new shirts, new apparel. People wanted to spend money at AYOP, but they couldn’t because they already had that shirt 6 times over.
Baton Twirling Podcast: Besides being online, can people find you at local contests?
Only Twirlers: AYOP and the Las Vegas Twirling Classic - we go every year.

Baton Twirling Podcast: If someone wanted to have you at their contest, how could they get in touch with you to get you out to their contest?
Only Twirlers: I would absolutely love that! I personally run all our social media. If you were to send a message on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, or the form through our website (onlytwirlers.com), it would go directly to me.
Baton Twirling Podcast: Thank you for coming on!
Only Twirlers: This was so fun! I’m so excited for the future of this podcast. It’s great just to see so many new things for twirling popping up.
