After almost a month of waiting for a new computer, more computer problems, a few phone calls, and some creative thinking, I am finally able to start up the podcast again! Thank you to everyone who reached out to encourage the continuation of the podcast! Love ya!

Today we get to listen to one of my favorite groups in America. Of course, I used to be a Stepperette, so I might be a little biased when it comes to saying that :)

We are speaking with Tami Foehlinger-Koel who is the daughter of the creator of Sue's Stepperettes. We have known each other for roughly 26 years now (OMG CRAZY!), and I am so excited for all they have done and continue to do for the baton twirling world.

The Stepperettes have over 400 members, have travelled the world, and continue to amaze the baton twirling world with innovative ideas and great competition routines. Learn more about how they do it in today's episode.
